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hackers history
découvrierez comment est né le hacking,
et qui sont les individus qui en ont écrit
l'histoire.Vous connaîtrez là l'histoire
des Mitnick, Cap'n crunch, Linus Torvalds
Sealand l'île
Hébergeur de sites pirates, cet ancien
bastion des millitaires britaniques est
aujourd'hui aux mains de nos chères Hackers
qui ont à coeur de le garder.
history ou toute l'histoire de la programmation
trouverez là un descriptif complet de l'histoire
de la programmation
Décodeur canal+
You'll find there a lot of information
which 'll permit you to know all about canal+,
tps, and canal satellite.On this page you'll
find all the link to the tools. Es possible
tener las programas muy difficil o impossible
de encontrar sobre el internet. Asì es possible
obtener ,dando me un CD.
Le firewall
ou pare-feu un outil indispensable
Ici vous trouverz une liste non exhaustive
des meilleurs pare-feu que j'ai sélectionné.
Sachez avant tout que tout les FAI (fournisseur
d'accès internet) ou provideur n'autorise
pas le pare-feu car ils en sont eu même
muni. Le cas typique c'est Wanadoo. Dans
le cas où vous intaller un firewall autre
que Zone alarm, la navigation sur internet
sera impossible
Le hacking
ou passion pour l'informatique
Contrairement à l'idée reçu les
Hackers n'ont rien à voir avec les pirates
informatiques. Ce sont avant tout des passionnés
d'informatique avides de savoirs. Leurs
actions ne visent pas à porter préjudices
aux interets communs ou individuels. Il
sont tout le temps en quête de connaissance.
La bidouille est leur couteau suisse. Visual
basic, C, C++, assembleur, html, javascript,
electronique, Pc, psx, dreamcast, ti92,
HP48, cracking.. sont les quelques cordes
à sont arc. Ce qu'il deteste le plus ce
sont les petits branleurs qui téléchargent
des programmes sur internet, creaient des
virus avec des générateurs, ou grave des
divx ou des mp3 afin de soutirer le max
des tune de leurs potes. Par conséquent
à tous ceux utilisent les programmes des
Hackers dans un esprit autre que celui de
ces derniers, ont leur dit passer votre
Ps.. : Non initiés pervers et
autres bouffons attenttion aux virus et
au chevaux de troie..... Un malheur est
si vite arrivé.
Hackers' paradise
No job? No money? No future? Then you might as well hack. The Philippines has become a haven for crooked computer programmers. In a small, hot room in Caloocan city, one of Manila's shoddy suburbs, a 21-year-old man-child perches on a chair and turns the fan up to high. Yellow paint peels from the walls. There is no running water. The bed is a dirty mattress on a steel frame. But enthroned on a makeshift table sits a workstation worthy of a cash-rich start-up.
Crackers expand
private war
As China and the United States attempt to peacefully end their diplomatic standoff sparked by the mid-air collision between a U.S. spy plane and a Chinese fighter jet, crackers from both countries continue to wage private wars on the Internet. American cracker group PoizonBOx has defaced at least a hundred Chinese websites since April 4. Chinese hackers are now vowing to retaliate with a planned week-long all-out crack attack on American websites and networks which will start on May 1.
Wired |
Windows Xp
castrates MP3
In the latest flexing of its 800-pound monopoly muscle, Microsoft has decided to severely limit the quality of MP3 audio files in its new Windows XP operating system. Songs captured in Windows Media Audio format will, of course, have higher fidelity and require less disk space. While the move is supposedly intended to protect the rights of the copyright holders by pushing a "more secure" format, it is an obvious attempt to leverage the OS monopoly to once again squash a competitor. I wonder if the justice department will have anything to say about this? I guess some people just never learn.
Wall Street Journel via Canoe
The Register |
Crackers expand
private war
As China and the United States attempt to peacefully end their diplomatic standoff sparked by the mid-air collision between a U.S. spy plane and a Chinese fighter jet, crackers from both countries continue to wage private wars on the Internet. American cracker group PoizonBOx has defaced at least a hundred Chinese websites since April 4. Chinese hackers are now vowing to retaliate with a planned week-long all-out crack attack on American websites and networks which will start on May 1.
Wired |
Crackers expand
private war
As China and the United States attempt to peacefully end their diplomatic standoff sparked by the mid-air collision between a U.S. spy plane and a Chinese fighter jet, crackers from both countries continue to wage private wars on the Internet. American cracker group PoizonBOx has defaced at least a hundred Chinese websites since April 4. Chinese hackers are now vowing to retaliate with a planned week-long all-out crack attack on American websites and networks which will start on May 1.
Wired |